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The TokenAdapter is an abstract contract that is inherited to provide functions required by the SushiXSwap contract to perform all token operations.

The full contract can be found here here.

Read-Only Functions

State-Changing Functions


function _transferTokens(
IERC20 token,
address to,
uint256 amount
) internal;

Transfers a specified amount of tokens from the current contract (this) to another address.

  • The function checks if the token address is not address(0). If it's not, it performs a safeTransfer of the ERC20 token. If it is address(0), it assumes the token to be transferred is native (ETH) and uses the transfer function instead.


tokenIERC20the token to be transferred. If address(0), it's assumed to be ETH
toaddressthe recipient address of the tokens
amountuint256the amount of tokens to be transferred


This function doesn't return any values.


This function can revert if the safeTransfer call fails, which could occur if the contract's balance of the token is less than amount, or if to is a contract address that doesn't correctly handle ERC20 tokens.


This function doesn't use any modifiers.

Functions called

This function calls the safeTransfer function of the ERC20 token if the token is not address(0). If the token is address(0), it uses the transfer function to move ETH.


function _transferFromToken(
IERC20 token,
address to,
uint256 amount
) internal;

Transfers a specified amount of tokens from the caller (msg.sender) to another address.

  • The function uses the safeTransferFrom method of the ERC20 token to transfer tokens from the caller to the recipient address.


tokenIERC20the token to be transferred
toaddressthe recipient address of the tokens
amountuint256the amount of tokens to be transferred


This function doesn't return any values.


This function can revert if the safeTransferFrom call fails. This could occur if the caller's balance of the token is less than amount, if the caller has not approved the contract to transfer amount tokens, or if to is a contract address that doesn't correctly handle ERC20 tokens.


This function doesn't use any modifiers.

Functions called

This function calls the safeTransferFrom function of the ERC20 token.


function _unwrapTransfer(
address token,
address to
) internal;

Unwraps the wrapped native token (such as WETH) into the native token (such as ETH) and sends it to the receiver.

  • The function calls the withdraw method of the wrapped native token to convert it back to the native token. It then calls the _transferTokens method to send the native tokens to the receiver.


tokenaddressthe address of the wrapped native token to be unwrapped
toaddressthe recipient address of the native tokens


This function doesn't return any values.


This function can revert if the withdraw call fails or if the _transferTokens call fails.


This function doesn't use any modifiers.

Functions called

This function calls the withdraw function of the wrapped native token and the _transferTokens function of the current contract.


function _wrapToken(
address token,
uint256 amount
) internal;

Wraps the native token into a wrapped token (such as ETH into WETH).

  • The function calls the deposit method of the wrapped native token to convert the native tokens to the wrapped version.


tokenaddressthe address of the wrapped native token that the native token should be converted to
amountuint256the amount of native tokens to be converted


This function doesn't return any values.


This function can revert if the deposit call fails.


This function doesn't use any modifiers.

Functions called

This function calls the deposit function of the wrapped native token.